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Prossimi eventi del progetto COIL

Pubblicato: Mercoledì 13 gennaio 2021

Care studentesse/cari studenti,

nella tabella sottostante le date degli eventi principali del progetto COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning). A breve riceverete una mail di invito con il link a cui collegarsi per partecipare al primo evento - Introductory session: 28 Gennaio 2021 ore 14:30-16:30.


Spanish and Italian time

Introductory session (one single day and time for all the degrees)

28th of January 14:30-16:30

Congress (one single day for all the degrees)

3rd of July 9:30-17:30

Plenary Conferences 13:00-14:30 for the Degree of Nutrition and Dietetics

1 Wednesday/month

Plenary Conferences 13:00-14:30 for the Degree of Biotechnology

1 Thursday/month

Plenary Conferences 13:00-14:30 for the Degree of Pharmacy

1 Friday/month

Ultimo aggiornamento: 13/01/2021 09:36
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